About Us
Hi! We are Amy and Jeff, and we LOVE sharing life with people through photography and video.
From recording wedding vows to watching a mother console her third child in a fully alive home, we consider it a serious privilege to be invited to share these sorts of sacred and timeless moments with you. We seriously find ourselves giddy at the idea of what we actually get to do this as a form of work and service. Documenting life's milestones and everyday celebrations is seriously a labor of love and passion, and that has been what's kept Amy going since 2009.
Since Amy started her own business in Chicago almost 14 years ago, a few things have changed. She met Jeff, they g0t married, and Amy changed her last name to Nelson (although we've kept her maiden name for the business for tax and technology purposes). We have became a family of 5, and moved across the country (first to California, then to Portland, OR, and are now back to Chicago). We know the story is still being written and are excited for what this next season will bring. It is crazy to see how these experiences have helped us as a couple become better at what I do. In particular, they have helped us slow down, handle chaos a little better, and to recognize and draw out timelessness.
We would love to learn more about you, hear your story, and celebrate whatever season you are about to be in through photography!